Thank you for your interest in this important research project.

The survey will take approximately 12 minutes to complete and is confidential and anonymous.

You may close the survey down and re-enter at the point you left off using the same link. We would appreciate your participation no later than 11.59 pm (AEST) on 31 May 2023.

At the completion of this survey, you will be given the opportunity to enter the competition to win free registration to the WONCA World Conference 2023.

For more information on Health of the Nation, visit the RACGP website. If you have any feedback or questions regarding this survey, please contact

The Navigators is an independent research agency.  We do not share identifiable responses with the RACGP, the findings are reported at an aggregated level so you can confidently have your say knowing that your answers will not be linked to your name. 

Information you provide in this survey will be stored and handled securely in accordance with National Privacy regulations. The RACGP Privacy Policy can be accessed here and includes information about access to information, complaints handling, and data sharing.  

By responding to the questions in this survey it is assumed that you consent to participate in the survey.